TOURISM:// Can Haiti Retake Its Place On The World Tourism Map Again?



Can Haiti Retake Its Place On The World Tourism Map Again?

Written by Ancy Louis, MSM,

 Last year and beginning of the year of 2024, Haiti has showed up extremely well in the art and artisan world.  Many artists and vendors elevated the country’s images by presenting their works at various international exhibitions. They showcased natural products, vestige of historical monuments, painting, botanical and other commercial products with a “made in Haiti” tag.

Haitians around the world are so pride of their heritage and culture. The current political situation in Haiti and total shutdown of tourism do not permit such display of art shows and exhibitions internally however, it should not stop our talented from creating and exhibiting their works around the world.   How do we continue to promote and encourage these initiatives?  This is where the international community led by various embassy's offices in international countries could play a bigger role in promoting these initiatives.  They could establish a process by which artists, vendors and organizers come together and access resources to create more art shows and exhibits.  We believe that the diplomatic world could send positive messages that are so much needed in the current Haiti situation and influences how the world views Haitians and Haitian's descents.

Now, let’s step back in history for a moment. A brief look on: How government can influence the tourism industry?  During the government of Former President Leon Dumarsais Estime from 1946 to 1950, the state prioritized tourism in Haiti and engaged all stakeholders, public and private sectors in rebuilding tourism in Haiti.  President Leon Dumarsais Estime and his government officials fully understood the importance that tourists played in Haiti and allocated resources that were necessary to put us on the word map.  We are using this approach to show that it can be done again.


Madrid, Spain

The Embassy of Haiti in Madrid Spain organized its first Art inauguration Expo at El Rastro Marbella Madrid Spain where the collections of one the prominent Haitian Painter Philippe Dodard presented 37 pieces of art painting on canvas and ink exposed the belief and the Secrets of Power, exploded places and memory, reported Tele Pluriel. Other stories on the culture of the country have been displayed by the Painter Phillipe Dodard that day, October 19, 2023. On January 24 -26 2024 at the Ferry Intranational in Spain, Madrid at Calle Del Partenón, The Embassy of Haiti exhibited the vestige of Sans-Souci Palace, La Citadelle Laferrière two of the most important historical and touristic monuments Milot, Cap Haitian. Many comments and like on Linked In show how many Haitians, Haitian American descents and friends of Haiti appreciate this awareness of positive image of Haiti.

Doha, Qatar

At Doha, Qatar Pavillon Expo 2023, the Embassy of Haiti inaugurated “Haiti Pavilion Expo” where the Landmark of (Iron Market) Marché En Fer has been featured including botanical products and agricultural wealth of Haiti presented by a group of Haitians lead by William Cinea from Botanica Garden From Les Cayes, South Region of Haiti. Those pictures send a positive image for Haiti and received many comments and likes on LinkedIn such as: “It’s an excellent initiative; Très Intéressant; Proud of you “. Those testimonies explain how many Haitians around the world want to see something positive to happen expressed their prides for Haiti.

For Haitians leaving aboard, these initiatives and art shows bring us a sense of proud of Haiti.  It reminds us of our past, highlights vividly our desperate presence and perhaps gives us some hope for the future.  Who better to do it than the Ambassadors and Diplomatic Representative's Agencies which represent our country and its citizens aboard.   We must continue to celebrate those small wins and perhaps duplicate those initiatives across the continents where we all call now home.  By sharing those positive images, maybe we can dream of a better future.  We can say loudly that” The country of Haiti will survive even if the situation seems gloom during one of our worse political's crises.

Historically, Haiti used to bring people from around the world together, not only to explore its amazing sites but to discover “The uniqueness” of its natural / eco-tourism, historical monuments, beaches, sunset and so much more.  Let’s work to put us on the map once again but let’s start with our Haiti aboard – The Haitian Embassies and all Diplomatic Representative’s Agencies.


Written by Ancy Louis,

First Prize Winner Broadcast Reporter Category Documentary Contest organized By the Ministry of Tourism of Haiti 2002

Second Winner Contest Category for producing a report documentary on Violence Against Women and Children Abused by Secretary of Population 2002

Master’s in management and A Concentration in Leadership

Bachelor of Applied Science Supervision & General Management

AESTHINTS: The Art of Persuasive Writing and Public Speaking, Harvard X, edx

CHA01: Certified: Strengthening Community Healthcare Workers Program, Harvard X, edx



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