Technology: What is the FMECA?



In this dynamic of exploring the contours of the "maintenance tools", here is an overview that allows to discover the FMECA method from its origin to its industrial objective.


FMECA: Failure Mode, Effects and Criticality Analysis

 The FMECA is a method specifically designed to identify the failure modes of a product, a process, or a process. The realization of a FMECA is recommended to companies wishing to obtain a standard or certification. It is essentially an inductive method that allows to perform a qualitative and quantitative analysis of the reliability or safety of a system according to the French Association of Standardization.


Where does FMECA come from?

 FMECA was created in the United States by the Mc Donnell Douglas company in 1966. It consisted of listing the components of a product and accumulating information on failure modes, their frequencies, and their consequences. The method was developed by NASA and the arms industry under the name of FMEA to evaluate the effectiveness of their system. This method has proven itself in the industrial sector, a sector in which the reliability and safety of the product, or of the processes or procedures, are essential. Thus, it was found in the space, armament, mechanical, and many other sectors.


What about the objectives of the FMECA?

 The FMECA method is the Analysis of Failure Modes, their Effects, and their Criticality.

It consists in:

l   Identifying the causes and effects of the potential failure of a process or a means of production

l   Identify the actions that can eliminate (or at least reduce) potential failure.

It consists in imagining the dysfunctions leading to the failure before they occur and is therefore essentially a predictive method.


The different types of FMECA

l   Process

We identify the failures of the manufacturing process whose effects act directly on the quality of the manufactured product (failures are not considered).

l   Medium

We identify the failures of the means of production whose effects act directly on the productivity of the company. It is therefore the analysis of failures and the optimization of maintenance.

l   Safety

This type aims at reducing the risks related to the use of a means of production.

l   Design

It is carried out during the design of a production tool.

l   Product

It analyzes the impact of the failures of a product on the use that a customer makes of it.

l   Organization

It applies to the different levels of a system and includes the management system, the information system, the production system, marketing, HR, finance, and all levels of the organization.


Application of the FMECA

Within a company, the use of FMECA results in:

l   An optimized production, the right product the first time

l   A permanent improvement of the means of production to limit failures.

l   A constant improvement of the organization

l   The setting of a quality threshold to be obtained, and the implementation of the means to reach it.

l   An analysis of each production defect

l   The drafting of recommendations in case of failures


Five (5) steps to implement the FMECA method.

1.          Set up a working group.

This is a demanding study. The participants will have to be seriously involved and given the necessary time to correctly carry out the part of the study they oversee. It is important to consider this aspect at its true value and to clearly define the role of each person, their contributions, while considering their skills and availability, the

clarification of the purpose of the study, its scope, its reach. Its expected objectives will be stated concretely and in accordance with the needs of the sponsors of the study and the participants in its implementation. This is also an opportunity to specify the process to be followed.

2. Carry out a functional analysis of the process (or the machine): Functional breakdown.

As its title clearly indicates, it is a question of listing and relating all the functions of the product or the phases of the process to identify the causes of potential dysfunction. 

3. Analyze the potential failures: Identification of potential failures

This is a rational study of potential failure modes, causes and effects. The success of this third step is directly dependent on the care given to the functional breakdown. It requires a broad participation of all the people likely to bring a lesson most often resulting from their own experience. Evaluate these failures and determine their criticality.


4. Evaluate these failures and determine their criticality

The evaluation is done according to three (3) main criteria:

l   Severity: It expresses the importance of the effect on the quality of the product (process) or on the productivity (machine) or on the safety (safety).

l   The frequency: It is estimated the period during which the failure is likely to occur again.

l   Non-detection: It expresses the efficiency of the system to detect the problem.

l   The criticality: When the 3 criteria have beeń evaluated in a line of the FMECA synthesis, the product of the 3 scores obtained is made to calculate the criticality: C = G * F * N


5. Define and plan actions

 The purpose of the FMECA analysis, after highlighting critical failures, is to define actions to address the identified problem.

 The actions are of three (3) types:

- Preventive actions: we act to prevent the failure before it occurs, to prevent it from

happening. These actions are planned. The period of application of an action result from the evaluation of the frequency

 - Corrective actions: when the problem is not considered critical, we act when it occurs. The action must then be as short as possible for a quick return to standards.

 - Improvement actions: these are generally process modifications or technological

modifications of the means of production intended to eliminate the problem. The cost of this type of action is not negligible and it is treated as an investment.

 To be effective, actions must be followed up:

- Action plan

- Designation of a person responsible for the action

- Determination of a deadline

- Determination of a budget Review of the evaluation after implementation of the action and feedback of the results


To conclude, The FMECA is a prevention method applicable to any system. This method must be part of a global approach and it is a way to prevent certain failures and to study the causes and consequences. It is a tool that can help in the implementation of certain standards, including the ISO 9001 version 2015 in the “Design Control” section.

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